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Apex Fit

Apex Fit is a result-based fitness company that uses science based proven methods and technologies to help our clients achieve results they could never obtain on their own

Apex Fit

Apex Fit is a result-based fitness company that uses science based proven methods and technologies to help our clients achieve results they could never obtain on their own

게임에 대한 최악의 악몽

해외 주요 게임사가 확률형 아이템 자율규제 강화 방침을 공개하면서 사용자들의 신뢰 회복에 나섰다. 기존 확률 공개 대상의 범위를 확대해 투명성을 확보하겠다는 복안이지만, 본질적인 과금모델에서 자유로울 지 의문을 제기하는 우려가 나온다

Apex Fit

Apex Fit is a result-based fitness company that uses science based proven methods and technologies to help our clients achieve results they could never obtain on their own