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자동차 렌탈 업계의 모든 사람들이 알아야 할 15가지 용어

<p>외제차 초장기렌트보다는 리스를 선호하는 편이며, 국산차의 경우에는 초단기렌트카를 많이 사용하는 추세이다. 렌트와 리스의 번호판이 다르기 때문인데 렌트는 허, 하, 호 번호판이지만 리스는 일반 번호판을 다룬다. 해서 품위유지 목표로 리스를 많이 사용한다고 한다

Measurement Stuff

Feeling lost in a sea of estimates and unsure of true dimensions? Measurementstuff is your lifeline! We're a team of engineers and data analysts passionate about providing reliable measurement and cost information for all your needs

Measurement Stuff

Feeling lost in a sea of estimates and unsure of true dimensions? Measurementstuff is your lifeline! We're a team of engineers and data analysts passionate about providing reliable measurement and cost information for all your needs

Measurement Stuff

Feeling lost in a sea of estimates and unsure of true dimensions? Measurementstuff is your lifeline! We're a team of engineers and data analysts passionate about providing reliable measurement and cost information for all your needs

Measurement Stuff

Feeling lost in a sea of estimates and unsure of true dimensions? Measurementstuff is your lifeline! We're a team of engineers and data analysts passionate about providing reliable measurement and cost information for all your needs